Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Update 2-3-10

Gene’s update: 2-3-10
I guess they didn’t want to wait any longer: Gene had his second bone marrow biopsy yesterday afternoon. They gave him anti-anxiety meds first then morphine and then more anti-anxiety. He said it was “way different” than the first time. I know that docs and nurses and myself hoped that the second experience would remove some of the anxiety and fear, as he will have to have several more. The wonderful nurse held his hand throughout the procedure, and the “fellow” doc who had been working closely with him the last week and a half performed the procedure. Although he was quite groggy when I came in after they finished, he was relieved, as was I. Saint Patty and Saint Jim were there before to distract him as I couldn’t get there for the before. By evening, he was eating (the soup I made which he said was delicious and ate the whole thing) and we did our 15 minute hike around the floor.

My concern is why they ordered now. Just Saturday I asked the attending doc when they might know if the chemo had been successful in achieving remission and he said about two weeks out from the end of chemo, which would have been Sunday coming. He did say, that if they had any reason to suspect that it was not successful, they would do the biopsy. And he noted that Gene had told him that he didn’t want to be told more than a day in advance. So, it is very possible that they suspect from what they have seen that they did not achieve remission, and would begin a second round of chemo immediately. That is what doc said when I spoke to him on Sat, so that is what probably will happen….which means even more time in the hospital. Gene is preparing himself for one more week….let’s hope that is all it is. He is on so much IV med, only free a few hours a day, that I can’t imagine how they could release him, and no white blood cells. He did get another transfusion yesterday. Or, as Gene says, they could say, great, we’re sending you home in a few days.

The other roller coaster ride was yet another lung CT Scan, this time with dye. Docs told Gene they ordered it, but didn’t elaborate. Monday night when they did it, Gene asked the techs what they were looking for and they said the orders said pulmonary embolism. (Coincidentally, I had just finished telling my doc that day at my physical that that was what my maternal grandmother and uncle died from). Needless to say, Monday night was not great. But, Tuesday morning results showed no sign of pul. Embolism, and in fact the spots they’ve been watching are getting smaller. Still no fevers, though the cough is still there and the chest stuff still a concern.

Tuesday, at least before he was untethered, showered and we had our walk, which helps tremendously, he seemed to be in less than great spirits. So I asked if bringing some visitors in might help. At first he said he had Patty, Jim and I , but then agreed that it might be a good idea. So we opened up some time today (Wed.) Thurs and Fri, 1:30-2:30, and hopefully more on the weekend. Just have to keep the visits to 15-20 minutes.

I’ve come to depend so much on Patty and Jim that I fear I am taking them for granted. Patty will fly home this weekend to be at Robyn’s baby shower, and I told Jim I did not expect him to fold laundry, make brownies (which Patty had waiting when I got home last night), etc. etc. But he is there in all the many, many small ways that I did take for granted from Gene. And just waking up, and coming home to a not-empty house, just that alone is huge. Even if they didn’t cook my meals, do my laundry, clean the house, take care of the yard, garbage and Breezy’s needs ( my little “bd” kitty is still so unkind to them), AND do caretaker time in the hospital…..just having them there is such a gift. So this weekend will be a test to see if I can get by without Patty….but Jim will be here, and attending the Super Bowl with Gene in his room on Sunday. Maybe they’’ll let Gene have a root beer for the occasion.

That is the main scoop. Hair is shedding fast. He donned the first cap for our evening walk last night. Robyn and Chris’s sufi or kufi hat is his most favorite so far. We got a black crochet cap in the mail from Amazon…but I forgot who sent it, Micheal and Eileen? It is a bit small, maybe we can exchange it.

If you like the blogspot,, there are some photos that have been added.

Thanks for your cards and letters, gifts and wishes and prayers, emails and phone calls (when I can take them) and texts. We are on the road to recovery, and of course, it is full of twists, turns, bumps, potholes and sometimes we get lost, but all of your support helps us find the way back.
Gail Moriarty

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